Manipulation, Drugs, and Technology


Note: This is a true account that has significantly impacted myself and others over several years. It involves manipulation through methamphetamine and technology, and merits serious investigation by law enforcement, the medical field, and the scientific community. Collaboration across these fields is necessary to address and mitigate these ongoing issues.

1. Recreational Drugs, Stigma, and Manipulation

There is a significant stigma surrounding recreational drugs, especially methamphetamine. While it's well-known that meth is highly addictive and destructive, there’s an ongoing situation that the broader public may not be aware of, which started approximately five years ago, initiated by a former friend of mine.

Let me be clear: this is not an attempt to justify drug use. Instead, it's an attempt to expose how one individual has weaponized methamphetamine and pseudoscience to manipulate a broader community. This is happening right here in San Francisco, where a mix of quasi-scientific ideas, psychological manipulation, and abuse of environmental infrastructure is being used to control people. The ultimate goal seems to be to predict future events and elevate himself to an authoritative position of control.

2. It's Not Just About Drugs

This is more than just drug usage. My former friend is manipulating wireless signals (specifically 2.4 GHz frequencies) and electrical systems to amplify the effects of methamphetamine. The frightening part? This affects both users and non-users alike, tapping into the brain’s vulnerabilities and creating false realities that people may be unaware of.

In my case, he has exploited a genetic condition I have, known as Chiari Type 1 malformation. By manipulating the environment, he’s able to use an unknown energy source to control aspects of my surroundings, all while creating auditory illusions by manipulating environmental sounds—cars, highways, and other noises in the city.

3. High-Functioning Users and Misconceptions

There’s a common misconception that methamphetamine users are always chaotic, low-functioning individuals. However, there are individuals who manage to maintain normal jobs and relationships while being high-functioning users. Their ability to fly under the radar makes them more dangerous, especially if they’re using the drug for manipulative purposes.

[Redacted] is an example of such a person. Over the past 20+ years, he’s been able to function in society while engaging in manipulative behavior. His flawed assumption that he can control others’ minds and manipulate reality has had far-reaching consequences.

4. Why This Matters

This situation extends beyond just me or drug use in isolation. The potential to manipulate minds and create false realities through a combination of drugs and technology is a serious concern. It’s a dangerous dynamic that could be affecting people who aren’t even using drugs themselves.

[Redacted] is using meth as a tool to exert control over others and distort reality. This is not simply a case of drug abuse; it’s part of a larger, more threatening situation that demands attention.

5. What Can Be Done

We need to recognize the prevalence of high-functioning meth users and understand the potentially hidden impact they can have on those around them. In my case, breaking free from this manipulation has been a long, difficult process, and I believe others may be experiencing similar manipulation without even realizing it.

I’m speaking out to raise awareness and encourage further investigation. This situation should not be overlooked. The impact of high-functioning users who manipulate others—whether through drugs or other means—needs to be understood and addressed.